difference between 10 meter and 11 meter radios

I had a 10 meter radio that would work on both 10 and 11 meters. : Does anyone (an old-time ham, perhaps) have the original 11-meter band : plan (for the united states) handy? 10 meters corresponds to about 30,000,000 Hz or 30 MHz. Comparing amateur radio to CB is like comparing apples and oranges. 7. It's 40 : channels, plus sideband, so where does the *two* numbers come from? But gave it away because there was no activity on 10 or 11 meters. I've been a ham for 4 months now and I've learned a lot. I think the CB frequencies were actually part of … 5. Looking for affordable Internet Access? Compares the Stryker 10 Meter Radio Features and shows what is included with each radio. High performance stable SSB operation, outstanding AM audio and PC programming make the SR-955HPC the new industry standard! New in May 2012. Royce SSB 11 Meter to 10 Meter Conversion ? -- -Chuck --- Chuck's 2 Way Radio Service and CB Radio Sales Http://www.chucks2way.com Very nice Tempo (Uniden) 2020 80-10 meter rig (with 11 meters), swap 2 meter h.t.and charger for 10/11 meter rig. trancieve,scan).It is not a 6 band radio.An RCI 2950 IS a great 10 meter mobile with all the features and can do 11 as well(not legal).I think they tout the northstar as a 10 meter to fool the feds and sell an otherwise illeagal CB. :-). Favorite Answer. There are 10 meter radios out there that seem to be made for use on the CB Channels, that have more power and such. There were only 23 channels available and most radios only had room for 1 to 8 channels. m = 5 kg but not: m = five kilograms or m = five kg the current was 15 A but not: the current was 15 amperes. 10 meters is just above CB radio = 28.1MHz to 28.5MHz. They, >  Does anyone (an old-time ham, perhaps) have the original 11-meter band. Many hams have dual-band radios that allow operation on both bands. Stryker (SR-2K) - 10 and 11 Meter Antenna, Tunable, 5in and 10in Shafts, 49in Whip, Black Coil, 3600 Watt, 26-30MHz, Center Loaded, Mobile CB Antennas in Stryker Mobile CB Antennas 2. Ten Meter ham band from 28.000 to 29.700 . It arrived as a 10 meter AM/FM amateur radio. This article will explain the difference between the two units so that readers may better understand the two concepts. Earlier this year, I got a Tech-Plus class amateur license and I've been having a ball on 2 and 10 meters. Excellent service, lowest price, repair, warranty, tuning and fast world wide shipping on the Ranger RCI2950CD 10 meter & 12 meter radio. These days most HF rigs all have 6 meters in them so you get all the HF bands plus 6 meters which is more worthwhile to own. Ranger RCI2950CD 10 Meter and 12 Meter Radio. Over the past few years the line between traditional CB radio and 10 meter radio has become blurred. But a great antenna company called Solarcon has built a very unique antenna called the I-MAX 2000. The DX94HP has a Variable Dimmer for the Meter Lamp, Frequency Display and Channel Readout; and a meter that glows red during transmit. You can easily turn this great 10 meter radio into an 11-meter radio by adjusting the frequency bands with controls on the device. Please note our return policies regarding 10 Meter Radios! (See Sec. When the switch was made, you can imagine it created a LOT of hard feelings in the amateur community. Unlike CB communications the FCC considers the 10 meter band acceptable for long range communication, many radios offer over 100 times the transmitting power of a traditional CB transmitter. Ryder has the best rates. These frequencies are contained in the Amateur Radio 10 meter frequency band and the FCC requires that the radio operator obtain a license. CB frequencies from 26.965 to 27.405 . Add to Wishlist. Channel 19 was not used by truckers of for road assistance. 14. difference between 10 meter & 11 meter radios??? After channel 9 became emergency use only back in the early 70s, channel 14 became the standard walkie- talkie channel. The band must have been assigned after 1947, as there was only a 10 meter band then. 9. by 293 Papa Smur » Fri, 07 Aug 1998 04:00:00 . Over the years Bob's CB was among the very first to carry radios like the Tram D201, CPI-300, CPI-400, CPI 2000, Stoner Pro-40, Robyn and more. Radio signals can be >described by either frequency or wavelength. Ranger RCI-69 10-12 Meter Amateur Base Station Radio - High Power 80+ Watts - 4 Pin Mic. The confusion arises when we see meters squared written or spoken. People cannot make out the difference between square meters and meters squared and treat them as equal which is incorrect. Using a Ham radio on A-M in the CB band is not only illegal but silly since there are so many 10 meter radios out there that will run circles around them. They're not too far apart. SR447HPC2. 10 Meter Radios are a big step up from CB Radios. ☛ Frequency Control: PLL Synthesizer. CB Radios operate on the 11 Meter … 15. I like to listen there because the guys go there to talk about the other mudducks because they think it's somehow a "private" channel. Walkie talkies did not come out until the 60s. SR-447HPC2 - The Little Brother Of The SR497 Is The Stryker SR447HPC2. If you like the 10 meter radio's, what ones do you like and why. The main difference is the new blue LED display with 6 digit frequency counter. Very nice Tempo (Uniden) 2020 80-10 meter rig (with 11 meters). Phrases like ’10 meter CB radio’ and ‘export radio’ have irrevocably woven themselves into the vocabulary. These 10/12 meter ham radios can be bought new for hundreds of dollars less than a full blown, multiband HF transceiver with lots of features, modes and extras you will not be authorized to use unless you are a General class license holder or higher class operator! Use at your own risk. The quality is on par with other Chinese cast aluminum chassis COMMERCIAL GRADE radios. Network signal. Mr. P. has gone back to 8ogota to procur3 more "telephones". AM, FM mobile 10 Meter Radio Volume, Squelch, Mic Gain, RF Gain Lighted face w/six colors to choos.. The 10 Meter Band consists of frequencies stretching from 28.000 to 29.700 MHz. But the special thing about this is, the I-MAX 2000 measures out to a sweet .64 wave on the 10 meter amateur band. AnyTone AT-6666 10 Meter Amateur Radio. the CB 11 meter band was carved out of frequencies originally used by ham radio. Many of them have a band … Discontinued. Good luck on the license.AB7RS > > Well after the mod is done on the radio for 11 meter then I'll be able to use When the band was a ham band, the limits were (to the best of my memory), Very nice Tempo (Uniden) 2020 80-10 meter rig (with 11 meters), swap 2 meter h.t.and charger for 10/11 meter rig. FreeBand (FB) Radio Includes 12, 11, & 10 meters now. 10 meters corresponds to about >30,000,000 Hz or 30 MHz. The 10 Meter Galaxy DX94HP Mobile Radio is one of the best Galaxy AM/SSB 10 Meter radios. Mostly for amateur radio communication use. The formula for conversion >is:  frequency = speed of light / wavelength. I had a 10 meter radio that would work on both 10 and 11 meters. Many of them have a band selector knob. Well many 11 meter ( chicken band ) guys first get their tech tickets come up to 10, because their 11 meter antennas will work just fine 1 Mhz up on 10 meters. All in all, CB is one of the best things that ever happened on the radio spectrum IMHO. Out of the box, you will not get Channel 19 with a 10 Meter Radio. Http://www.chucks2way.com/list.htm ===================================================================== Live in Michigan? For general public use. Excellent service, lowest price, repair, warranty, tuning and fast world wide shipping on the Ranger RCI2950CD 10 meter & 12 meter radio. 11 Meter to 10 Meter Conversion Needed, 8. swap 2 meter h.t.and charger for 10/11 meter rig, 10. Please note – while use of these radios on CB frequencies is fairly common the N2 is a 10 meter Amateur radio and therefore is not type accepted by the FCC for citizens band use. FS: 11 Meter Beam (10 Meter Trimmed? The 10 Meter Band consists of frequencies stretching from 28.000 to 29.700 MHz and the 11 Meter Band (CB) is 26.965 to 27.405 MHz. Most people used channel 10 for that because it was an intra-station channel. There are some big differences between 10 Meter Radios and CB Radios (11 Meter). CB Radios come with a 4 watt output, whereas a 10 meter and export radios have 40 watts plus! Very nice Tempo (Uniden) 2020 80-10 meter rig (with 11 meters). Body Voltage Meter Video on using the Body Voltage meter for House Wiring Video on using the Body Voltage meter for Laptops: Pros: The Body Voltage Meter measures the difference in voltage between your body and the Ground. Walkie  talkies came equipped with channel 9. I have been heavilly into CB since the age of 12 in 1976. Tell 'Em Chuck Sent ya! Stryker SR-955 HPC 10 Meter SR955HPC (2508) Stryker SR-955HPC Radio ~ Stryker SR955HP ~ SR-955-HPC.   *      Pleasant Hill California |                                    *   \|/--\|/--\|/--\|/--\|/--\|/--\|/--\|/--\|/--\|/--\|/--\|/--\|/--\|/-/, by David Stit » Wed, 06 Dec 1995 04:00:00, by Brian Woodbu » Wed, 06 Dec 1995 04:00:00, p> ************************* 10 meter radios operate on frequencies ranging from 28mhz to 29.7mhz. FM simplex channels. What is the difference between CB Radio and Ham Radio? 10 meters is an amateur radio ('ham') band just above the 11 meter CB band. 2 Minute Tuesday: I was able to bring Tyler from My Off Road Radio back on to discuss the differences between CB and Ham Radios. 10 meter radios are not CB radios from the start but they can be convertible into one. The 10-meter band is a portion of the shortwave radio spectrum allocated to amateur radio and amateur satellite, and includes the frequencies that stretch from 28.000 MHz to 29.700 MHz. -Drew in C***te-  KF4DDM (amateur)  KADF6895 (CB, back when they required licenses! The RCI-2950-CD is a newer version of the RCI2050Dx3. Great deals on 10 Meter Cb Radio. : : : Tom A traditional CB operates on the 11 meter band at about 27mhz. ), 15. 10 Meter Radios. Many of us ham operators communicate on our 10 meters every single day. In 1988, I was first licensed as a Tech Plus operator during the peak of the 11 year solar cycle. The BIG difference between 11-meters and the Ham bands is the Calling frequency which is 27.555 Mhz Let me remind you of the 11-meter procedure: 1. Best regards, The MAn. As a NEW ham it's only natural that we look for 10 meter radios and unlike the older wiser hams we don't know that the 10 meter radios are cb radios in disguise. Well, I am off to Pakistan w1th a new set of schematics. 11 meter to 10 meter transverter...... 10. Nylatron GS and Nylatron GSM : Differences and Similarities . It had a great noise reduction ability in the receive for mobile operation, but Bunches Of Used Mobile 10 & 11 meter radios 4 Sale! by Don Butler, N4UJW Hamuniverse.com. Stryker SR 955 HP 10 meter radio with AM/FM/SSB, 70w and multi colored display. Then Surf to http://www.visitus.net Dial-in, Domain Hosting, Web Page Design, and more! I think the CB frequencies were actually part of an old amateur >band. 16 kHz-wide signals with 5 kHz deviation is normal in this band. Wow. Call 1-313-945-5588 Ask for Rich! Wavelength is obviously much longer so mobile flutter is very long duration and prominent. 4. Ranger RCI2950CD 10 Meter and 12 Meter Radio. However, this is not a … Whether rag-chewing with an operator I’ve worked before or making contact with a new station; as a licensed 10 meter amateur radio operator, I want the best communication possible. Let me know when you knock the satellites off line. If you're new to CB radio you probably don't recognize the names, but a seasoned CBer or 11 Meter operator will tell you these radios were and remain among the most sought after radios today. This antenna is a nice 5/8 wave for CB at 27MHz the way it should be. The DX94HP has a Variable Dimmer for the Meter Lamp, Frequency Display and Channel Readout; and a meter that glows red during transmit. There are some big differences between 10 Meter Radios (10 Meter) and CB Radios (11 Meter). (this is nice. There are 10 meter radios out there that seem to be made for use on the CB Channels, that have more power and such. Please feel free to contact with us if … 11 meter to 10 meter transverter...... 6. 7.6.) You can use a 10m amatuer radio as a CB if the radio can be modified to transmit and receive on the 11m band. Citizens band radio (also known as CB radio), used in many countries, is a land mobile radio system, a system allowing short-distance person-to-person bidirectional voice communication between individuals, using two way radios operating on 40 channels near 27 MHz (11 m) in the high frequency (a.k.a. Truckers drive for a living...time is money to these guys, and they're VERY efficient when it comes to announcing the whereabouts of "Smokey Bear" and their speed traps. This test meter can work on any CB radios with the frequency range around 27MHZ. Galaxy DX 99V,Conversion ,10 meters to 11 meters? one is higher than the other. The skip is more prevalent on 11 meters than on 10 meters. 10 Meter Radios, CB Antenna, CB Radio. Channel/Frequency Chart for 10/11 Meter Radios Ch. Despite widespread use of both technologies many users have no idea what the real differences are. Full tone, clear, high swing audio (AM) modulation is achieved with the Top Gun Compressor. And then there's the 'used' market. I met a lot of good people on CB, and I wish to maintain those contacts; not all CB'ers are interested in "becoming a ham", nor should they be. , by Tony Langd » Sun, 03 Dec 1995 04:00:00. ma> 10 meters is an amateur radio ('ham') band just above the 11 meter CB  ma> band. As a ham rig it's output power is a bit higher than a typical CB and it probalby has a VFO that allows you to transmit inbetween channels and to set the transmit frequency anywhere while on sideband. The asSasination is scheduled for gilligan's island. It probably started life out as a ham rig and now is an non-type-accepted but otherwise feature laden CB. dis is de Papa Smurf, 123, 123, ovah beep Breaker breaker, kd6ovs fo' ID,   Fred, get the super sauce. CEPT-3CEPT-2CEPT-1 CEPT CEPT+1CEPT+2 10m 10m 10m 10m 1 25.615 26.065 26.515 26.965 27.415 27.865 28.315 28.765 29.215 29.665 It comes with an easy-to-read meter displaying scales for Signal Strength and Power Output. For those ham radio operators who like to talk on 10 meters and listen on 11 meters (CB) this radio is a great go-between. Installation is included. Royce SSB 11 Meter to 10 Meter Conversion ??? When I hear the conversation on 10 Meters I thought I was listening to a CB conversation but nope it was 10 Meter Ham. (except finals) by <72527.01.. » Sat, 02 Dec 1995 04:00:00. FA: 11/10 meter SWR/Power Meter/Tuner, 14. 10 meter 11 meter antenna interaction. Over the past few years the line between traditional CB radio and 10 meter radio has become blurred. Sure, 11-meters has more than their share of idiots...but you'll find 'em on the ham bands, too. Difference Between Ham Radio and CB Radio • Categorized under Objects | Difference Between Ham Radio and CB Radio. I am excited to bring you this review of the best 10 meter radios of 2018. It comes with an easy-to-read meter displaying scales for Signal Strength and Power Output. If speed of light is equal to >300,000,000 meters/sec and wavelength in meters, then frequency >will be in Hertz (1 Hz = 1 cycle/sec). by 293 Papa Smur » Fri, 07 Aug 1998 04:00:00. The differences between a 10m amatuer radio and a CB is the 10m radio operates specifically on the designated frequency range for amatuer radio operators who have a valid FCC license. Channel 9 was the most popular walkie channel back then. Each band will give you access to 40 programmable channels. Difference Between a CB Radio and a Walkie-Talkie September 23, 2018 By Joe Talbert Leave a Comment According to Wikipedia , Citizens band radio (also known as CB radio ) is, in many countries, a system of short-distance radio communications between individuals typically on a selection of 40 channels within the 27 MHz (11 m) band. There are some big differences between 10 Meter Radios (10 Meter) and CB Radios (11 Meter). The semtex is in the mail. To access 10 meter radio frequencies you are required to obtain an amateur or ‘ham’ radio license from the FCC. They were large, heavy and had only 1 to 3 channels. This is true, at least in Australia, possibly the US as well, and one of ), Most of the moded ham 10m rigs will also cover the freeband funny freqs so you can listen to all the illegal chit chat. Woody-    I'll have to check the WoodyWorld Archives, I'm pretty sure I have several magazines just before and just after, but if I remember correctly,the band wasn't really currently in use by hams....I'll research it this weekend. The RCI-2950-CD is a newer version of the RCI2050Dx3. It functions very well and I'm pleased with it's performance. I use both! will be in Hertz (1 Hz = 1 cycle/sec). 12. The skip is more prevalent on 11 meters than. 6 meters in theory does a little better in rolling, rural terrain and does well over flat ground. Discontinued. This is restricted to people who actually have a good grip on the subject of radio operations. 10 Meter Radios are Amateur Radios, also known as Ham Radios. In 1988, I was first licensed as a Tech Plus operator during the peak of the 11 year solar cycle. >10 meters is an amateur radio ('ham') band just above the 11 meter CB >band. by Tom Carmicha » Thu, 30 Nov 1995 04:00:00. 100 kilos on tuesday. They cover from 160 meters to 10 meters, and a few cover all bands (more costly though). Do you like a simple CB radio with an amp to get out a little more, or do you like the 10 meter radio's better. Most of the VHF/UHF radios come in several varieties ranging from hand-helds, to mobiles, to 'base' radios. 10 Meter Radios are not designed to communicate with CB Radios. It is also compatible with AM, FM, LSB and PA frequencies and can be plugged into the computer with the USB slot. Same thing for 2 meters, or any band. This means that you can still use a standard CB antenna- just be sure to get an antenna that has a power rating that will handle the power output of your 10 meter radio. Note, many 10 meter radios are illegal to use in the US, even with a ham radio license. Export and 10 Meter Radios have significantly more power than the typical single final CB Radio.

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