ethical questions game

that “shielded” your company from trouble and stood in the way of compliance and ethics-related reputational damage. quiz which has been attempted 2478 times by avid quiz takers. You are totally liable for this. An ethical question is a question that looks at a situation or a problem whose solution is not obvious and asks people to choose which solution or solutions can be considered "right" or ethical. We hope you'll be there for the 2nd annual Ypsilanti Big Ethical Question Slam. ,” you could also set up a compliance and ethics-themed room with potential breaches. Check out our wide selection of third-party gift cards. Which Naruto Character Are You Most Like? Run the risk of teaching (via the game) some one how to … Require/expect a certain amount of common knowledge? Invite entries from individuals or teams, again, to encourage teamwork where possible. Your company might have a general “new idea” scheme from time-to-time, but typically you won’t get many entries related to compliance and ethics. Two sources tell you that the mayor is having an affair with each of them. What do you do? We are on a mission to drive ethics to the center of business for a better world. You need more information to prove it’s true. Ethical Questions #3: Asking Ethical Questions Introduce different types of questions (Scientific, Religious/Cultural, Legal, or Ethical) by having students brainstorm what the defining characteristics of each are. You ask the photographer to “clear them up.”. Playing the game across locations leads to more discussion as employees seek out answers to each question. You: A new doughnut shop sends 3 dozen doughnuts to the newsroom as a thank-you for the features profile from yesterday. The competition can be based on the games above, compliance and ethics based slogans, characters, taglines, or issues to highlight. 1. I’ll let my editor know and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.”. Ethics Game #1: Photo, Video or Poster Compliance Capture, Ethics Game #9: The Compliance and Ethics “Shield”. This game can also be called “Spot the Issue,” “Golden Ticket,” or just a good ol’ fashioned Scavenger Hunt. You get quotes from the pastor/founder of the church, but he doesn’t explicitly say or imply his orientation. So how do you combat this? Browse from thousands of Ethics questions and answers (Q&A). Is it right for a game to: 1. It’s the “that may not be right for you, but it’s right for me” philosophy. 4.5 out of 5 stars 25 ratings | 3 answered questions Price: $72.28 + $7.69 shipping: New & Used (8) from $29.99 + $3.99 shipping. Here’s how the Real or Reel game works: Compile a list of real-life and “as seen on TV” compliance and ethics scenarios and see if respondents can spot the difference. Nudity is another sensitive topic when discussing ethics in games. That’s it! In this section of my blog I shall be going over some Ethical issues within video games. Share them with the office to celebrate a job well-done. In the case of photos, the resulting “photo wall” becomes a powerful and continuing image. This angle of “what not to do” shows employees what can happen when ethics and compliance doesn’t come first. Now I realize that by saying my ethical quandaries are hilarious, I’m opening myself up to the same criticism. Shop our favorite brands. But be prepared for associated logistical challenges in communication, judging, prizes, etc. Previous page. Ethical gaming: can video games be a force for good? If he/she is not available, politely tell the caller, “We will look into it and get back to you as soon as possible.”, Say, “We’re so sorry for the mistake. Removing question excerpt is a premium feature. You could also use case examples from other companies where compliance and ethics issues have occurred. You publish this because it is your qualified privilege. Convercent is a lot more than just GRC. As you are investigating, you tell your friend, who posts it on her Twitter account. Compliance programs must break this cycle by turning compliance push into employee pull. Even though the following activities didn’t work in my experience, they may produce better results depending on application, industry, employee-preferences, and other factors: While there is a wide range of ways to make compliance and ethics more interesting, there are also considerations to evaluate before choosing the best approach for your company, employees, resources, and goals. Of course, this may not work as well in geographically diverse companies. The girl doesn’t seem to be in mourning. At the end of last December, I posted a list of 10 moral dilemmas. In practice, this can mean a number of different things and like all ethical questions, what is fair chase and what is not can vary from hunter to hunter. Another approach is inter-team, division, or department competitions. You ask the photographer to make the pictures sharper. However, there are a number of different activities that even though they may be legal in some places, would probably not be considered fair chase by most responsible hunters. We experimented with a range of low-cost and locally-produced games for use within teams. Posted on November 19, 2009 by nastros. Oftentimes people have different ideas about what is ethical or unethical and what is the best solution to an ethical dilemma, according to Saint Clara University. You publish it with the label, “Mayor cuts ribbon at opening of ___ Park.” Nobody will know; it doesn’t negatively impact anyone. This isn’t a finite list of the ethical questions of VR, but here are the nine issues I believe are most pressing and that we need to resolve as soon as possible. Investigate further and report the quote only if you find further evidence. He loved his weed more than me and my mom,” when her dad, the local police chief dies in an incident while high on marijuana. A platform for public participation in and discussion of the human perspective on machine-made moral decisions The ethical question is whether to inform the owner of the car and, if so, how to do it. A Question of Scruples - The Game of Moral Dilemmas Brand: Parker Brothers. The EthicsGame team works with organizations across the country and around the world to train learners in critical thinking, compliance, and strategies for building an ethical, values-based culture. A business owner tells you another business owner is embezzling funds. TV 'quiz' channels which exploit vulnerable people by using virtually impossible puzzles and extortionate premium-rate telephone methods (late at night, when many viewers might be under the influence of alcohol), are effectively lotteries and should be regulated as such, which would then see their right to broadcast removed. You use a different picture. With more reflection, they tend to take a more utilitarian (consequences-based) approach (taking one life to save many). User protection Regardless of what you call it, here’s how to play: Set up a desk or multiple desks, workshops, offices, warehouses or production locations with a range of potential compliance and ethics issues. This list of questions was prepared by the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics for a presentation Nov. 29, 2005, in conjunction with the "Game On" exhibit at the Tech Museum of Innovation, San Jose, Calif. Nov 29, 2005. You run the story; it’s your responsibility to represent those people too. Should have kept your big mouth shut. The heroes could be people who won any of the above games, or they could be someone within your organization who exemplified exception work in the area of compliance. You don’t publish. They are often incorporated into MMI-style interviews and sometimes seen in group interviews. While the number of adult gamers has grown exponentially over the years, younger players are still the biggest demographic for games, and likely to play any given game. Share via LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Email, Too often, compliance and ethics is perceived as the “business prevention department.”. All of Prey, in effect, was an ethical test. You are not liable for this, because it was not formally published. You hear a new church is being built to administer to the LGBTQ community. Bring them to a homeless shelter; you can't accept gifts. A photographer missed the cutting of a ribbon for a new park. A 16-year-old boy is involved in a case where he is charged with stealing 12 X-Box 360s from Best Buy. A number of employees were experts in this type of game and focused more on it as a competition to win a prize, rather than to increase knowledge of compliance and ethics. By Jeffrey L. Seglin, Real Simple. You don’t run the story. You don’t publish the name. You publish it, because it’s an essential quote. This could be questions about co-workers are the history of the company. Answer our questions to see whether you're a Hero, 50/50 or MTH! You publish the story; these two sources are enough. While the feedback was broadly positive, the apparent benefits were transient and this ad hoc approach did not appear to deliver longer-term, sustainable benefits. Shop now . (Broadcat also has a great post that explains this game in more detail, which you can find here.). Unfortunately, this leads to employee compliance fatigue and “push-back.” However well-intended and structured, the program often fails to fully achieve the intended and necessary results. Be sure the solutions you try mesh with culture, program goals, and employee expectations before diving in. This article is more than 6 years old . What do you do? This will engage the two populations separately and allow both to speak and present ideas freely. 10 ethical questions, answered. We think the issue was in the physical and practical delivery, not in the concept. Did it really happen, or was it made up for film or television? You may even find that your employees are clamoring for further stages and developments in the case study storyline. You may be surprised at the level of engagement and the game’s ability to create genuine company-wide interest for both managers and employees. Ethics Game #1: Photo, Video or Poster Compliance Capture Ethics Game #2: The “Set-Up” Game Ethics Game #3: Compliance Trivia Ethics Game #4: The “Real or Reel” Game Ethics Game #5: New Ideas Competition Ethics Game #6: Team Competitions Ethics Game #7: Case Study Stories Join us as we listen, laugh, applaud, agree and disagree with teams of locals willing to share and present their best answers to some of the most compelling and confounding ethical issues of our time. Unavoidable Ethical Questions about Video Gaming ; ... Should young children be allowed to play violent games? But I’m confident that you’ll enjoy these a whole lot more than any other ethical training you’ve ever experienced. You publish it, because it’s purely opinion. Moral relativism has infected most movies, music, television shows, and magazines. When people answer ethical questions spontaneously, they tend to be more deontological (rule-based) in their responses (“Thou Shalt Not Kill”). Many kids’ answers to ethical questions come with the premise that truth is something you create and this view is known as relativism. This could be in the form of a simple chart-based analysis of the activities, initiatives, etc. Ethical dilemmas are situations in which there is a difficult choice to be made between two or more options, neither of which resolves the situation in a manner that is consistent with accepted ethical guidelines. You receive a picture of with a woman picking her nose in the background of the most compelling picture of a presidential candidate at a debate. Compliance games offer the opportunity to drive interest in (and enhance the perception of) compliance and ethics training. Given this, plus another widely-held view that compliance is “done” to employees (“I’ve got to do my compliance training”), it’s not surprising that companies are striving to make their programs more interesting and memorable, with the result of genuine employee engagement and long-term learning and knowledge retention. Increase engagement by introducing a free-form tie-breaker covering questions like, “What do you think the issue is?” and “What would you have done?”. Therefore, I have posted 10 more, which I think will be more thought provoking and agonizing than my first list. There is no one right answer in the game, just as in real life. You publish the name; his age doesn’t matter in this case. Page 1 of 1 Start over Page 1 of 1 . Several questions talk about 'moral obligation'. Related: see how our employee helpline can increase employee reporting so you can proactively respond to issues. Author decides not to try to talk his way out of a ticket. Ethics Games that will improve your compliance training today. What do you do with this? Produce more team entries by encouraging poster submissions, which have a variety of photos related to the same issue. Ethical Questions #2: Distinguishing Ethical Questions Within a Scenario 4. You: A judge says to a pedophilia suspect, “You’re disgusting” during a trial. This is particularly true if there’s a potential conflict with other initiatives and obligations. Keep compliance at the top of employee minds and incentivize employees to act ethically and within compliance. It’s not relevant and it would hurt your relationship with Hy-Vee. While there is a wide range of ways to make compliance and ethics more interesting, there are also considerations to evaluate before choosing the best approach for your company, employees, resources, and goals. First, examine where your moral compass points to. You run the story. C&E Heroes is your chance as a compliance officer to recognize the heroes within your industry. Read more The ethics issue: Should we edit our children’s genomes? The goal of this exercise is to encourage dialogue around compliance related issues. When you look at all the violent games out there it would make you wonder do these game creators have any moral compass what so ever. Decisions as to if, and how, the activity will be integrated with online, face-to-face, and other pieces of training should be considered. Once your setup is complete, task employees with locating the breaches, either as individuals or teams. You publish a different tagline, explaining the re-enactment or a different photo. STORY HIGHLIGHTS. Rather than coming from the company, these compliance and ethics topics come from engaged employees, and that’s an important difference. The concept is simple, a Trivial Pursuit style game where all of the questions are related to compliance. Ethical scenarios, on the other hand, focus on how you'd act in a hypothetical situation. Watch the recorded CONVERGE20 Sessions on-demand in the Converge Community. Remember your honest answer and go to question 2. The game creates genuine company-wide interest in both the manager and employee populations, and identifies a number of compliance and ethics issues and opportunities for the compliance team to discuss further. The values and ethics explored in this story are those of mankind since the beginning of time. You receive pictures of a new skyscraper on opening day, but the pictures are hard to see because it was foggy outside. Of course, this may not work as well in geographically diverse companies. Whichever methods you choose, carefully plan the entire project, including internal marketing, prizes, research, physical logistics, and digital demands to make the strategy a success at your organization. It should also be recognized that while games can have a key role in compliance and ethics learning, they could also create an adverse perception in employees if they aren’t well thought-through. Based on my experience, early planning is essential. Use this in combination with other activities, like Compliance Trivia, The “Set-Up” Game or when sharing case study stories and examples. She has the mayor re-enact it and gets the photo. You can see an example of a set-up in the image to the right, which was originally shared by the team over at Broadcat. Then, think of some outrageous violations you’ve seen on TV (police and hospital procedurals are great for this, but you can probably spot some in fun shows the The Office or Parks & Recreation). I know "common" is a bad choice of wording and wide open to interprutation. Please tell us what you would do in each scenario via comments. Case study stories not only engage employees, but by progressively releasing stages, they maintain that engagement. Two ethical questions: Question 1: If you knew a woman who was pregnant, who had eight children already, three who were deaf, two who were blind, one mentally retarded, and she had syphilis, would you recommend that she have an abortion? You could also create an internal online “video wall” to convey the same message, and post posters publicly. Trolley problems highlight the difference between deontological and consequentialist ethical systems. Organize the competition into two groups: one for managers and one for employees. You don’t publish this, because it would defame the suspect. Internally promote the competition and advertise prizes, present opportunities for judging, and give out recognition awards to top ideas. What do you do? What do you do? ! In this activity, to say you are morally obliged to do something means you must do that thing in order to behave morally.

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