lotro outgoing healing cap

Heal yourself; a dead mini does no heals. In-game Definition: The amount of damage you can take before being defeated in combat. 3. Resistance. Some battles only have … Basic Stats These are shown as "Basic Stats" in your character panel. Shoot for a min of 20% as you get better gear you will want to be maxed (25% + trait bonuses). Outgoing Healing – 70% Cap. Raid healers must have healing legacies on their weapons. 2. Critical Rating 290,719 (20.8%). Login. Heal the tank; a dead tank is a soon to be dead mini. % = Incoming Healing Rating / ((1190/3) * Level + Incoming Healing Rating) For a healing class Tactical Mastery would be good to get to a level to give you the cap of 70% outgoing healing, (listed when you hover over that stat in your characters panel). Outgoing healing (healers) Healing 115 gear should give you enough outgoing healing rating (cap is at 70%), that said, I'd recommend investing into critical rating instead of outgoing healing essences, having Mordor relics with 78/96/125(Future note: change to new stats) healing rating is highly recommended (see below). Max your Rally cool down and reduced induction time legacy is a must. 11. Note: the healing increase granted by incoming healing rating cannot exceed 15%. Morale is the equivalent of "health", "hit points", or "HP" in other games, and is roughly commensurate with the amount of pain the character can suffer before being defeated. With the current gear you are unlikely to cap it without suffering elsewhere. Beef up Morale via Vitality; Ignore slotting Outgoing Healing essences as it does very little overall compared to other essence choices Get your mits to the cap (different for t1 and t2), then add finesse until you're happy with how often your hits are landing. - Viewtopic for the Kinship website for Durins Folk on the Landroval server of Lord of the Rings Online. Critical Defence. This tool can be used in multiple ways and it works on any level: ... shows a graph of the rating to percentage formula for visual information with cap percentage and cap rating. questions: if i add more tactical mastery, and raise my % over cap further, will my heals be stronger and more effective? so i apologize if this is dumb or has been addressed previously somewhere - my 100 mini sits at a tactical mastery of 53,267 = 72.1% tactical outgoing healing. Incoming healing rating is converted into a percentage before it is used to calculate how much healing you receive. Welcome to the LOTRO Ratings Calculator! 50% = 36,834. Block … Incoming Healing. Lotro Caps on Mitigations, DPS Caps, and Others! Priority in your group: 1. Outgoing Healing On rings, shoulders, gloves, and pants (66.0%). U23: Where Dragons Dwell – Stat Caps MITIGATIONS Armour Type T2 Cap – 115 T1 Cap – 120 T1% – 120 T2 Cap – 120 T2 Anvil – 120 T3/4/5 Cap – 120 Light 62,160 … ~~ the outgoing healing cap = 70%, so my mini is 2.7% over cap. (CTL-C to display) Morale. While DPS classes should focus on their Crit Rating, (Agility and Fate will increase you Crit Rating), and Finesse, (remember Finesse need not be at cap, 15-20% is fine). For healer and DPS you should slot might but keep in mind that the outgoing healing you get from might caps … Outgoing Healing. Outgoing Healing: 70% . The formula for this is the same one used for Critical Rating. Resistance – 50% Cap. 70% = 66,584. This means that it is necessary to ensure your mitigations are at the T2 ratings (ignore your percentage). Go for 50% (36,834) - that seems like the sweet spot. Diminishing returns after that. 30% = 17,000. From there, it depends on what role you want to fill. MITIGATIONS ... LOTRO Wiki Mitigations LOTRO Forums: Hidden Mitigation Caps Dadi's LOTRo Guides. Healing a T2C with a DPS weapon isn’t going to work. I haven't had issues keeping people alive so far, and I don't currently use any outgoing healing essences. U21: Mordor Stat Caps MITIGATIONS Armour Type T2 Cap – 105 T1 Cap – 115 T1% – 115 T2 Cap – 115 Light 20,213 54,400 40 % 62,160 Medium 22,408 62,858 50 % 70,618 Heavy 24… Up your Crit. I've been healing T5s on my Runekeeper, so while the healing stats may differ, this is what I have been running: Tactical Mastery 416,635 (131.5%).

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