serbian sayings about life

In the Val di Chiana, the children of the family were blindfolded and commanded to beat the burning log with tongs. The children have already prepared presents for this event, with which they "pay the ransom" and get untied. [10], Immediately after the badnjak has been brought in, or immediately before in some places, an armful of straw is spread over the floor. Harry is on vacation in Germany when he suddenly wakes up in a time warp. In the morning of Oci, the Sunday immediately before Christmas Day, the children tie their father. [4] In the region of Bihor, north-eastern Montenegro, a round loaf of bread with a hole in its center was prepared; four grooves were impressed into its surface along two mutually perpendicular diameters of the loaf. A trace of sacrifice to the fire is the coin thrown into it by the polaznik after the ritual of making sparks fly from the badnjak.[23]. – except for the man holding the stake, who would shout, "De! Wishing you a future filled with love, joy, and laughter with your new baby. Parenthood is one of the best journeys in life — enjoy the ride! After an ox was led into the house, the loaf was put on his horn, and some grain was thrown on the ox. accompanied by the noise made with bells, ratchets, and horseshoes strung on a rope. [17][18], After the ritual the priest delivers a short sermon, followed by the church choir singing Christmas songs; poems that praise the Nativity of Jesus may be recited. Scholars regard the tradition as inherited from the old Slavic religion. sve radošću divnom naravnjeno. At the woodpile, he would shout three times, "German, German, wherever you are, come to dinner right now, and in the summer do not let me see your eyes anywhere!" [7] In some regions, if the tree is not cut down after the third blow of the axe, then it must be pulled and twisted until its trunk breaks. and the buzm would be ceremonially brought in, greeted by the family and treated with great respect. The use of this stake was to tether a horse to it; the animal was then driven around to thresh grain by treading with its hooves. na trpezi vino pije, When the shepherds relate what the angel told them, all who hear about it are astonished. Serbian Christmas traditions are customs and practices of the Serbs associated with Christmas and a period encompassing it, between the third Sunday before Christmas Day and Epiphany. [3], Since the early 1990s, the Serbian Orthodox Church has, together with local communities, organized public celebrations on Christmas Eve. Often bunches of leaved oak twigs are prepared to be distributed to the congregation gathered at the church. [4] In Zagarač, central Montenegro, both of the logs may be cut from the same tree if it is tall enough, the badnjačica then coming from the upper, thinner part of the trunk. Dodaj nama kraj gajtana, sve volove vitoroge; Since the early 20th century, the Serbian badnjak tradition has also been celebrated more publicly. The head of the household would respond by saying "You are welcome!" Of all, your great achievements, being a parent will rank #1. These three holidays are called Detinjci or Djetinjci, Materice, and Oci. wolves, foxes, and hawks) and his personal enemies, inviting them, "Come to dinner now and again in a year, God willing." He was the adversary of the dreadful thunder-god Perun, who is in this case reflected in Nikola's Dad. They vary from place to place, and in many areas have been updated or watered down to suit modern living. You can talk about your experiences and clearly state your point of view. Walking through the streets of the village they shouted and made noise with their bells and ratchets. Before the log was placed on the fire, the youngest child in the family poured wine on it. Its throat was then cut, the blood being collected and mixed with fodder. [17] In the west Serbian region of Rađevina, centered on the town of Krupanj, the head of household would place a sheep between himself and the fireplace, and pronounce the aforementioned words while striking the badnjak with a branch cut from it. Koliko varnica, toliko sreće u ovoj kući. It should not be moved when about to burn through, lest the log break at the place most consumed by the fire, which is usually strongest at the center of the fireplace; the separation of the log should be a result of the fire only. Vi, đevojke i nevjeste, kola igrajte, [24] It's worth noting that majority of Serbian population however does not follow the traditions of "Detinjci, Materice and Oci", and if there's gift giving involved it usually takes place on Christmas Eve. Each of the sorts is associated with its own ember on that loaf. If a girl looked stealthily through the snout at a boy she wanted, who was not interested in her, he would supposedly go mad about her. [note 5][17], An indispensable part of Christmas dinner is the česnica, a round loaf of bread. De! Fire from the domestic hearth was under no circumstances given out of the house on Christmas Eve, not even to a neighbor whose fire had gone out. The woman of the house puts a woolen blanket on the polaznik's back, and seats him on a low stool by the fireplace. [1] In some areas of Montenegrin Littoral where oaks do not grow, olives, bay laurels, elms, or strawberry trees are used instead. [3] In some areas, the badnjak is cut into three logs. [24] The same explanation, "because of bees", is also given for the aforementioned custom of putting a piece of the badnjak's first splinter in the dough for the česnica. baciće me; Congrats. u skutovi razboritu, The koleda was carried out from the Feast of Saint Ignatius Theophorus (five days before Christmas) up until the Epiphany. In a common arrangement, the cluster of oak twigs is bound together with twigs of European Cornel[Note 2] and several stalks of straw.[6]. In the succeeding Kingdom of Yugoslavia, the military badnjak ceremony was standardized in army service regulations. CORONAVIRUS vaccine rollout starts in less than 24 hours, marking the beginning of the end of the pandemic. They respond with "Truly He is Born," and throw grain at the polažajnik. Its folk name is Krstovdan[note 6] – the Day of the Cross. sve konjice putonoge; [7] Instead of applying wine and honey, holy water may be sprinkled on the tree by dipping a bunch of basil into a bowl with the water. The logs may be cut from different species of tree. Most were armed with sabers or clubs. The family member whose share contains the coin hidden in the česnica, will supposedly be exceptionally lucky in the coming year. da potkine tu grančicu. In Grbalj, south-west of Kotor, the number of the logs is equal to the number of people in the household. In Provence, it had to be cut from a fruit tree; it was brought in by the whole family while they sang a carol praying for blessing on the house, that the women might bear children, the nanny-goats kids, and the ewes lambs, and that their grain and wine might abound. [28], Koledari prepared themselves during several days before the start of the koleda: they practiced the koleda songs, and made their masks and costumes. Time is lost when we have not lived a full human life, time unenriched by experience, creative endeavor, enjoyment, and suffering. He who has a slack hand becomes poor, But the hand of the diligent makes rich. [3][4], When the head of the household finds a suitable tree, he stands in front of it facing east. The burning of the log is accompanied by prayers that the coming year brings food, happiness, love, luck, and riches. Not only can Serbian children be korinđaši, but also Romanian and Hungarian ones. I give you wheat and wine, and you give me every good thing and peace!" [18] The Serbs of Timiș County in Romania have since the interwar period adopted the custom of erecting in their homes a Christmas tree, which they call krisindla, after the German Christkindl. After the demons were chased away, the koledari briefly danced the kolo, and then blessed the household. The festive kindling of the badnjak commemorates the fire that—according to Serbian folk tradition—the shepherds of Bethlehem built in the cave where Jesus was born, to warm the Baby Jesus and his mother throughout the night. Other South Slavic peoples have similar traditions, and the custom that a family brings a log into the house and burns it on Christmas Eve has also been recorded in other parts of Europe. The Serbian name for Christmas Eve during the day is Badnji dan. This tradition, symbolizing the unity of state, church, and people, was ended by the outbreak of World War II. Sjaj Bože i Božiću, prostrta je slama ispred ognja, He lays the badnjak down on the fire and moves it a little forward, to summon prosperity for the household. The whole roasted pig or sheep, called pečenica, is a traditional part of Christmas dinner. [2][3] The Turkey oak is the most popular species of tree selected in most regions, but other oaks, or less frequently other kinds of tree, are also chosen. For the convenience of those living in towns and cities, such little badnjaks can be bought at marketplaces or distributed in churches. Koliko varnica, toliko gusaka i piladi, His wife would then kiss him over the sheep after saying "may the ewes kiss the lambs as we kiss each other. This rite is generally performed after the placing on the fire, although it may happen before, in which case the consecration may be performed in the church itself or in its yard. At the end of the 1930s in some parts of Yugoslavia, especially Vojvodina and Montenegro, the military badnjak ceremony was performed not in the barracks yard but in a square in the garrison town. [3], Upon entering the house the man approaches the fireplace, called ognjište ([ˈɔɡɲiːʃtɛ])—the hearth of an ognjište is similar to a campfire, in that it has no vertical surround. "[14], Following dinner, young people visit their friends, a group of whom may gather at the house of one of them. Go! The head of household and some of the family go to church to attend the Morning Liturgy. Na čija će vrata During the 1930s, the laying of badnjak on the fire became a court ritual. On her way back home, the girl who carries the strong water picks several cornel or willow twigs, with which children are lightly struck that morning. In the clan of Kuči, the woman touches the "beard" of the main badnjak with a whole loaf of bread. Moving through the village, they tried to make it impossible for anyone to count them. Depending on the local custom, Montenegrin Serbs may fell two, three, an arbitrary number greater than two, or the number equal to the male members of household plus one. што свачему треба наздравити![8]. ne šalj'te mi stare babe, [6] In Semberija, a piece of the splinter is put in the dough for the česnica, a round loaf of bread prepared specially for Christmas dinner. [note 2] On this day, the family makes preparations for the oncoming celebration. Each member of the family washes the face with it, and drinks it before breakfast; infants are bathed in it. Christmas songs are sung, in which Christmas is treated as a male personage. The preparation consists of cutting down the oak sapling to be used as the badnjak, taking it to the church yard, and preparing drink and food for the assembled parishioners. 1:6 Or understanding a proverb, namely, a parable, / and the sayings of the wise, their riddles 7 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools 1:7 The Hebrew words rendered fool in Proverbs, and often elsewhere in the Old Testament, denote a person who is morally deficient. [7] Christmas Eve dinner follows, which traditionally includes a round loaf of unleavened bread, beans, fish, walnuts, honey, and red wine. A terebinth is cut down for the badnjak associated with the woman of the house, called the badnjačica ([badˈɲatʃitsa]), meaning she-badnjak. Before World War I, soldiers of the Kingdom of Serbia developed the custom of laying a badnjak on a fire in their barracks. [22], Archaeologist Sir Arthur Evans was a guest in a Serbian highlander family in the region of Krivošije, Montenegrin Littoral. The connection between the father–son pairs of Stari Badnjak–Mladi Božić and Nikola's Dad–Nikola is corroborated by the fact that, in many East Slavic regions, practices characteristic for Christmas have been transferred to the Feast of Saint Nicholas. sve ovčice svilorune. što svačemu treba nazdraviti! Before the burning, the tree may be processionally carried around the church. [3], Until the beginning of the 20th century in the Pirot District, south-eastern Serbia, the head of household would go out to his woodpile,[note 3] where he would invite German (pronounced [ˈɡerman]) – a male mythological being associated with bringing rain and hail. The česnica is then carefully broken among the relatives, so that each of them gets his or her own share of the loaf. De!" A huge crowd followed him, attracted by the miracles they had seen him do among the sick. ko ti reza bornu suknju, [3] In central Serbia, the badnjak is laid with its thicker end sticking out from the ognjište. There is a saying for a healthy person: The old Slavic religion developed from the ancestral. [13] It used to be served in some villages on a sack filled with straw, with the family seated around it on the floor. domaćin će slaviti me Mothers prepare a family feast on this day. The name Nikola is a popular reference to Saint Nicholas of Myra, whose feast falls nineteen days before Christmas, on 6 December, his "dad" being celebrated the day before. stare babe temrljave, [16], The badnjak ceremony, originally performed only within the family, became a more public celebration. The preparation consists of cutting down the tree to be used as the badnjak, taking it to the churchyard, and preparing drinks and food for the assembled parishioners. Traditionally, the badnjak ceremony begins on Christmas Eve, but there are many regional variations surrounding the details. [1] Generally, each household prepares one badnjak, although more are cut in some regions. The food is covered with a white cloth, and eaten in the evening as supper. For the same reason, children are rubbed with garlic on the palms, armpits, and soles before going to bed. Wise Sayings of Solomon - The proverbs of Solomon: A wise son makes a glad father, But a foolish son is the grief of his mother. He held a distaff in his hand and spun hemp fibers. In the end, they would collect Christmas straw from the threshing floor; it was put in hens' nests to prevent them from laying eggs outside the nests. nosi suva zlata This was done as a protection against the demons called Kallikantzaroi, believed to be emerging from their dens at night during that period to attack people and damage their property. The preparation of this bread may be accompanied by various rules and rituals. At the moment when he sits down, they try to pull away the stool beneath him, as if to make him fall on the floor. Learn more about Biden’s life … i očima biser brojiš, The božićni kolač is a round loaf with a Christogram impressed with a wooden seal on its upper surface. [3] Its top is removed, leaving the badnjak of such a length that allows it to be carried on a man's shoulder, up to about 2.5 meters (8.2 ft) long. [17], A custom to use a domestic animal as a polaznik was kept in some regions until the first half of the 20th century. [29], In Greece, a large log was lit on the hearth on Christmas Eve and kept burning or smoldering through the Twelve Days of Christmas. The tree from which the badnjak is cut, preferably a young, straight and undamaged Austrian oak, is ceremonially felled early on the morning of Christmas Eve. No one is to eat anything before tasting the prosphora, which the head of household brings from church for those who stay at home to do domestic tasks for this morning.[6][17]. The ritual includes Vespers, placing the badnjak on the open fire built in the church yard, blessing or consecrating the badnjak, and an appropriate program with songs and recitals. kobile se iždrebile, He also proposes that the crosses made from the thicker end of the log may have originated from idols representing deities comparable with the Roman Lares, the cruciform having developed from an anthropomorphic shape of the idols. 10 War and Peace Quotes I Recommend You Read. [1], In the Rađevina region of western Serbia, centered around the town of Krupanj, the badnjak prepared for each household is cut into three logs, the most important of which is the dozemak—the log that comes from the part of the trunk that grew nearest to the ground. i rukama gajtan pleteš. There is a special verb preveseliti used instead of the common pregoreti to express "to burn through" when referring to the badnjak, which has the same root as the noun veseljak. na grančicu oraovu. In the case of more than one badnjak, the trees are placed in the shape of a cross. Na naša će vrata This is intended to protect the household from them for a year. He carries grain in his glove, which he shakes out before the threshold, or throws at the family members. The oldest man of the family would take hold of the stake with his right hand above the loaf. He would then light the candle, take a sip of rakia, taste some bread, drink wine, and go back into his house. Make your loved one laugh with our unique collection of funny, rude & inappropriate cards, gifts & wrapping paper. s unučađu đedovi igraju, The latter means that each of the males has a log associated with him, with the thickest log representing the head of household and the thinnest linked to the family's prosperity. [19][20] The following are the lyrics of two of such songs: Božić štapom bata, Tud prolazi mlada moma, In some parishes, the fire on which to burn the badnjak is built not in the churchyard but at some other suitable location in their town or village. Once the log has burnt through, some families let the fire go out, while in others the men keep watch in shifts during the night to keep the badnjak burning. For each male member of the family a round loaf named ratarica may be prepared – the biggest one for the head, and the smallest one for the youngest boy. [Note 3] Stari Badnjak would be related to both the Vedic serpent Ahi Budhnya ("the Dragon of the Deep") killed by Indra, and the Greek dragon Python killed by Apollo. These practices are no longer performed, but in some places a modified form of badnjak is used: a cross is carved into the bark of pieces of firewood which are burned in kitchen stoves on Christmas Eve. Each particular celebration has its own specific traits reflecting the traditions of the local community. You and you alone will determine how that coin will be spent. Each particular celebration has its own specific traits however, reflecting the traditions of the local community. [6] In Rađevina, the head of the household would lead a sheep into the house, place it between the ognjište and himself, and utter the wishes while striking the badnjak with a branch cut from it, before saying: "We passed one fire, we are not afraid of another." „Imam brata baš-terziju, The person spreading it may imitate a hen clucking to call her chicks, "Kvo, kvo, kvo", with the family's children imitating chicks, "Piju, piju, piju", while they pick at the straw. January 14 on the Gregorian calendar corresponds to January 1, New Year's Day, on the Julian calendar; this holiday is also called Mali Božić ("Little Christmas"). Čobanin se naslonio There is, however, an inversion in the comparison between these two pairs. The bread is not cut with a knife, but broken with hands. During the dinner, the head of household proposes a toast to his family with a glass of wine, several times. Zoomorphic and anthropo-zoomorphic masks might have white, black, or red painted horns attached to them. [10], Before the table is served, it is strewn with a thin layer of straw and covered with a white cloth. da me preveze, Nalagajte krupna drva, ne cijepajte! May your life be filled with love and peace with your newest arrival. After the man brings it into the house, a hole is bored in one end of the badnik and filled with wine, cooking oil, and incense. In front of each house they sing Christmas songs, and recite poems that praise the birth of Christ. [25], According to Russian philologist and mythographer Boris Uspensky, Stari Badnjak and Mladi Božić have analogues in East Slavic tradition—Nikola's Dad and Nikola. The procession brought the trees to the barracks, in whose yard an open fire was built. The festivity consists of gathering around the fire and socializing. The Serbian name for Christmas is Božić, which is the diminutive form of the noun bog "god", and can be translated as "young god". They would then take the hollow loaf back home, and put it near the fireplace beside the remnant of badnjak. Božić viče iza vode: Joe Biden, 46th president of the United States (2021– ) and 47th vice president of the United States (2009–17) in the Democratic administration of President Barack Obama. It is traditionally killed on Tucindan, the day before Christmas Eve, by hitting on the head with a lump of salt. Treasures of wickedness profit nothing, But righteousness delivers from death. [17], Yugoslavia's socialist government suppressed or discouraged public religious celebrations until the early 1990s. [3] In parts of eastern Serbia and Kosovo the badnjak is wrapped in a man's shirt. [4], Generally, each household prepares one badnjak,[5][6] although more are cut in some regions. Christmas is celebrated for three consecutive days, starting with Christmas Day, which the Serbs call the first day of Christmas. In some parishes more than one badnjak is used in the celebration, and a different tree is felled for each. [32], This twelve-day period used to be called the unbaptized days, during which the demonic forces of all kinds were considered to be more than usually active and dangerous. meaning "Giddy-up, my mare!" prevaliće me; He lights a candle, censes his family and house, and prays the Lord's Prayer. The sort whose ember retains its glow longer than the others should be the most productive in the coming year. Zatekosmo gde večera, Beech, pear, quince, hornbeam, and plum trees are used in eastern Serbia, although less frequently than oak trees. [12] A reward may be given to the family member who was the first to notice the event, and in the past the men would go outside and fire their guns in celebration. [8] The pair is in some regions joined by a third log called the badnjačić—the child-badnjak. The laying of the badnjak on the fire usually comes after the service, and is done by a priest or by a respected parishioner. [12], The custom that a family solemnly brings a log into the house and lights it on the hearth on Christmas Eve has been recorded in various parts of Europe. a vi, staro i nejako, Boga molite!“, The following song is sung in Bosnia and Herzegovina on the evening before Christmas Day:[15], Božić sjedi u travici, In the succeeding Kingdom of Yugoslavia, the military badnjak ceremony was further elaborated and standardized in army service regulations, but the tradition ended at the outbreak of World War II. The public badnjak ceremony was held in Serbian Orthodox parishes in the United States during that period,[19][20] as it is today. [18], Although Serbian public religious celebrations, as those of other peoples, were discouraged in Socialist Yugoslavia until the early 1990s, they continued among Serbian Americans. gusle gude, a kola pjevaju, [4][5] He then cuts it slantwise on its eastern side, using an axe. There could have been other named characters in the group. "[11] The head and another man of the family hold the česnica between themselves, rotating it three times counterclockwise. све би река једногодишници; Meni domaćinu i mome plemenu i šljemenu! The following is a list of Serbian terms related to Christmas, written in the Serbian Latin alphabet and the Serbian Cyrillic alphabet, with pronunciations transcribed in the IPA (see Help:IPA/Serbo-Croatian). 17 Best Ferris Bueller Quotes. [6] In Bukovica the two thicker logs are placed side by side, and the thinner one (trinity) is placed in parallel on top. [13] At the side of ognjište where the thicker end is situated, the family may place a plowshare, a round loaf of bread, a glove filled with wheat, sugar, or a sieve containing grain, honey, cakes, wine, salt, prunes, walnuts, and apples. Koliko varnica, toliko u domaćinskom džepu novaca. When the buzm, as the log was called there, was about to be brought into the house, a member of the family would go out into the yard, shout the name of the household's head, and proclaim that the buzm was coming and bringing all kinds of delicious things. or similar. A ikone i stolove masliničicom! ovce ti se izjagnjile, [1] Early in the morning the head of each family, usually accompanied by several male relatives, selects and fells the tree from which a log will be cut for their household. He would take with him a loaf of bread called good luck, prepared particularly for this ritual, rakia, wine, and a wax candle. Here you are yours, and leave mine alone! In some regions, the men keep watch in shifts by the fireplace during the night, to keep the fire burning. Similarly to koledari, vertepaši are armed with wooden swords and fence with each other in front of houses. Sjaj Bože i Božiću, In England, a Yule log used to be festively kindled on the domestic hearth so "that sweet luck may come while the log is a-teending", as described by 17th-century poet Robert Herrick. The Lord will not allow the righteous soul to famish, But He casts away the desire of the wicked. Modern houses usually have no ognjište on which to burn a badnjak, but it may be symbolically represented by several oak twigs, some of which are burnt in a wood-burning kitchen stove and the others placed beside it. prostrta je slama ispred ognja, [5] The same etymology of the adjective badnji has also been proposed by Vuk Stefanović Karadžić, 19th-century Serbian philologist, systematizer of oral literature, and ethnographer. In the morning of Detinjci, the adults use a belt, rope, or scarf to tie their and neighbors' children, binding their legs. But in the area of Bethlehem, December … [7] In Montenegro, two women holding lit candles stand on either side of the house door as the badnjak is carried in. This custom is called korinđanje, and the children who participate in it are called korinđaši. Mary cherishes all these sayings and draws conclusions in her heart. In Njegoš's epic poem The Mountain Wreath, the plot of which takes place in 18th-century Montenegro, Voivode Batrić urges converts to Islam to return to Christianity and Serbdom: "[...] Lay the Serbian Christmas-log [badnjak] on the fire, paint the Easter eggs various colours, observe with care the Lent and Christmas fasts. During the Twelve Days of Christmas (7 January – 18 January on the Gregorian calendar), one is to greet another person with "Christ is Born," which should be responded to with "Truly He is Born," or in Serbian Latin: "Hristos se rodi" (pronounced [ˈxristɔs.sɛ ˈrɔdi]) – "Vaistinu se rodi" [ˈʋa.istinusɛ ˈrɔdi]. The group announces its departure by firing guns or small celebratory mortars called prangija. Since then, the Serbian Orthodox Church has, together with local communities, organized public celebrations on Christmas Eve. za staroga - za Badnjaka, [6] When the log has burnt through, some families let the fire go out, while in others the men keep watch in shifts during the night to keep the badnjak burning. In Gruža it is coated with honey which is then licked by children. Vespers vary from place to place with respect to the time of the beginning of the service, its length and structure. [11], The head of the household takes a jug of wine and pours some on the badnjak; in some regions, he may strew wheat grains over the logs. The wind that overpowered the other three, would be dominant in the ensuing year. Early on the morning of Christmas Day he steps into the house, right foot first, and greets the family with "Christ is Born", to which they reply "Truly He is Born." Once the badnjak and straw have been taken into the house, the Christmas Eve dinner may begin. In some regions, the head and the right Boston butt of the pečenica are set aside at the Christmas dinner, and are served for dinner on this day. 3.) The best presents are exchanged between parents and their children.[24].

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