the battle of sarrish

Clone Captain CC-5576-39 went missing in action during the battle, later ending up on the remote planet Abafar. Initially, Routine Valor did not provide a specific date for the battle, only indicating that it took place "sometime during the Clone Wars. Nin had received word that the senator of Umbara, Dee Meechi, was assassinated by a republic operative. The Battle of Sarrish was a major battle during the Draconian War. He was reported missing after the Battle of Sarrish, which was a devastating defeat for the Republic that cost thousands of Clone lives. The droids engulfed the city in droids. The Separatists routed the Republic forces, inflicting a critical amount of casualties and resulting in the deaths of many clone troopers. Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. Tank fire left few buildings standing. These two characters served the Republic during the war. Heavy[1] After his LAAT/i gunship was shot down, Marshal Commander CC-2224, nicknamed "Cody," led the soldiers of the 212th's "A" Squad to capture the anti-aircraft gun, using the droids' own artillery against them. The Galactic Republic lost the battle, and it was considered a devastating loss. sith, romance, starwars. Battle of Sarrish battle of sarrish. The Battle of Sarikamish (Armenian: Սարիղամիշի ճակատամարտ (Sarighamishi chakatamart), Russian: Сражение при Сарыкамыше; Turkish: Sarıkamış Harekatı, lit. He was found and rehabilitated by Mr. Borkus, and unscrupulous diner owner from the dusty town of Pons Ora. Prelude [ edit | edit source ] In the third year of the Draconian War , the Terran Federation , Nihydron Star Republic and Mawasi Empire had made great strives against the Draconian Empire in assaults on their outer colonies in what became the Outer Sieges , in which at least five colonies have fallen to the Alliance. En route to the surface, Cody ordered all of his squads to maintain unit formations, though the Separatists shot down the gunship carrying him and "A" Squad just thirty seconds away from the designated landing zone. Galactic Republic[1] The clone commander summarily commandeered the unoccupied artillery cannon, turning it on the remaining Separatist infantry in the vicinity, including the droids bearing down on "A" Squad's crash site from an adjacent cliff. There were clones dying left and right, bodies began piling up. The Complete Story of Gregor – What Happened at the Battle of Sarrish Published Date: agosto 30, 2018 Let’s talk about Gregor, the clone commando captain that lost his memories in the Battle of Sarrish. Confederacy of Independent Systems[2] During the Clone Wars, a battle took place on the planet between the Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, in which both sides suffered devastating casualties and Clone Commando Gregor went missing in action. Gregor eventually... Feb 1, 2017 - CC-5576-39, known as "Gregor," was a clone commando who served as a captain in the 212th Attack Battalion of the Grand Army … [2] In the episode, Gregor's military database record misspelled it as the "Battle of Serrish" in Aurebesh,[6] while the accompanying guide on spelled it correctly.[11]. Outcome The Galactic Republic lost the battle, and it was considered a devastating loss. Kenobi and Commander Cody marshaled their 212th clone trooper battle group onto LAAT/i gunships and prepared to land on Sarrish, with several LAAT carriers bringing along All Terrain Tactical Enforcers. How Wookieepedia treats Canon and Legends, They are native to the Expansion Region planet of the same name. Kenobi, meanwhile, delegated the task of eradicating the anti-aircraft gun to his task force's gunships and ARC-170 starfighter squadrons, once their troops had completed their landing. The crash injured two troopers and killed five others, including the vessel's clone pilot. He isnt a clone but the council dosen't recognise him as a Jedi either. With the mountaintop gun harassing and dealing losses to their gunships, Kenobi deemed a direct ground assault too costly and instead ordered Cody and their troopers to avoid the southern promontory and focus on shattering the enemy lines; they would disperse the droid infantry and then concentrate their efforts on individual pockets of resistance. While "A" Squad used their crashed gunship to shield themselves from oncoming droid fire, the lieutenant realized the enemy gunner's intentions in time and had his men open long-range fire on the gunner, eliminating the droid before he could target Cody. Thanks to Gregor's efforts, Gascon and his squad were able to pilfer a Nu-class attack shuttle from Separatist forces at a rhydonium mining facility and departed Abafar.[6]. When Colonel Meebur Gascon and the Republic's D-Squad was stranded on Abafar following their capture of a Separatist encryption module, they happened upon Gregor, who had begun to work as a dishwasher, with so little pay that he was essentially Borkus's slave. BattleScribe gets stuck By the time Cody reached the mountain summit, the three troopers accompanying him had all fallen to droid fire, but he nevertheless continued on with his task. Their flight path headed them eastward across Sarrish, bound for the plains where the Separatists had assembled their defenses—comprising B1 battle droids and DSD1 dwarf spider droids, along with such larger walkers as OG-9 homing spider droids. In truth, he crash landed on Abafar and was suffering from amnesia. The Battle of Sarrish was a major battle during the Draconian War. In addition to surface blaster fire, the battle droids also employed an anti-aircraft gun from a promontory to reinforce their southern flank. The Lieutenant was one of the many clone troopers to serve in the Grand Army of the Republic. [2], As part of their assault plan, Kenobi divided his forces, leading an attack on one front while Cody oversaw another area of the clones' campaign. However, despite several small the victories, the Republic forces were defeated. As Cody grappled with the battle droids guarding the gun's ammunition stockpiles, the droid gunner turned his attention to Cody. The Battle of Sarrish took place on1 the planet3 Sarrish during the second year of the Clone Wars.4 It was one of the Galactic Republic's most devastating defeats, with many1 clone troopers2 perishing in the battle. The Lieutenant was assigned to the 212th Attack Battalion during the Clone Wars. In 20 BBY, the third year of the Clone Wars, the Galactic Republic capitalized on victories in the galaxy's Core Worlds and Colonies by targeting holdings of the Confederacy of Independent Systems throughout the Outer Rim Territories, in a campaign termed the Outer Rim Sieges. The Battle of Sarrish, fought on the planet Sarrish between the United Federation of Planets and the Der'kal Empire, took place in 2384 during the Federation-Der'kal War.

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